There are two plant cousins, hemp and pot, and people commonly confuse the two. Although they share a family tree and a similar appearance, their functions and impacts are distinct. To learn more about the distinctions between hemp plant vs pot, let’s explore their respective worlds.
The Multipurpose Plant: Hemp
The history of hemp is extensive. Garments, ropes, and even paper have all made use of it throughout the ages. Almost every portion of hemp has a specific application, which is one of its most remarkable qualities. Its oil has numerous applications, its fibers are sturdy, and the seeds are nutrient dense.
The Divisive Cousin: Pot
Something else entirely is the matter with pot, marijuana, or cannabis. Its intoxicating effects have made it famous. The buds of the cannabis plant are typically meant to be referred to when one talks about pot. One of the chemicals in these buds is known as THC, and it is this compound that gives you that “high.”
Composition: Cannabidiol (CBD) vs. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
The chemical composition of hemp and pot is the main distinction between the two. Hemp has trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. On the contrary, it has a high concentration of CBD, another chemical with numerous possible medicinal uses that does not produce intoxication.
Advantages of Red Hemp
There is a vast array of applications for hemp. Green products, such as biodegradable plastics and eco-friendly construction materials, can be made from it. The hydrating qualities of hemp oil make it a popular ingredient in skin care products.
Pot Functions
Both medical and recreational uses of pot are on the rise. While some use it to alleviate pain or nausea, others use it to unwind or enjoy themselves. Medical marijuana’s potential has been gaining traction in recent years, particularly as a treatment for chronic pain and epilepsy.
Despite its superficial similarities, hemp plant vs pot is highly functionally distinct. The psychotropic properties of pot are well-known, whereas hemp is a multipurpose plant with numerous industrial applications. It would be helpful to clear up any confusion and encourage responsible usage of both plants if people understood the distinctions between them.